Molecular Quantum Nanophotonics
Tailoring collective effects of interacting solid-state quantum emitters in new platforms, to optimize nanoscale light-matter interactions for quantum field control.
The group research activities aim at understanding, mastering and using light-matter interactions at the nanometer scale.
For this purpose, we develop ultra-sensitive optical nanoscopy techniques for the detection of individual nanoscale objects, to perform the spectroscopy of their electronic excitations, and to explore groundbreaking
applications in quantum optics, condensed matter physics and biophotonics.
Tailoring collective effects of interacting solid-state quantum emitters in new platforms, to optimize nanoscale light-matter interactions for quantum field control.
We study the properties of charge complexes in semiconductor nanostructures, for the development of applications in optoelectronics and in quantum technologies.
Optical imaging, generation, and manipulation of Abrikosov vortices in superconductors for applications in Josephson transport and single spins control.
New superresolution techniques to study the fast spatiotemporal orchestration of proteins in cell adhesion and in neurons.