Philippe TAMARAT
Phone : +33 5.4000.62.13. (office)
Fax: +33 5 4000 69 70
Address: LP2N- Institut d'Optique d'Aquitaine Rue François Mitterand F-33400 Talence Cedex, France
Brief Curriculum Vitae
After a Ph.D. dedicated to single-molecule spectroscopy, Philippe Tamarat was appointed Assistant Professor in 1997 in Bordeaux University, where he studied quantum optics with single molecules and worked on the optical detection of single metallic nanoparticles. During his sabbatical in Stuttgart supported by the Humboldt foundation, he performed optical coherent manipulations of a single spin state in diamond. On his return, he was appointed Professor in 2006. For his investigations into photophysical properties of individual nano-objects and their applications in quantum information processing and optoelectronics, he was nominated a member of the ‘‘Institut Universitaire de France’’